Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über die Angelantoni-Gruppe, ihre Geschichte, den brillanten Weg in den Bereichen Forschung und Innovation, der sich an den Kriterien der sozialen Verantwortung orientiert, die ihn seit jeher auszeichnen.

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Erfahren Sie mehr über die Produkte der Unternehmen der Gruppe: die Prüfkammern für Umweltsimulationen von ACS, die Systeme zur Aufbringung von dünnen Schichten unter Vakuum von Kenosistec, und Industriekühlung mit Energierückgewinnungssätzen TURBOALGOR.

Erfolgsgeschichten und die bedeutendsten Projekte der Unternehmen der Unternehmensgruppe Angelantoni


Angelantoni Industrie Srl
Località Cimacolle 464
06056 Massa Martana (PG) Italy

Tel +39 07589551

Gianluigi Angelantoni talks about Sustainable Enterprises at the University of Milan

On Wednesday 8th February 2023 Planet Life Economy Foundation ETS and Università Statale di Milano are promoting the 7th and last appointment of the seminar series created to explore the relationship between Sustainable Enterprises and Research.

Also the President of Angelantoni Test Technologies will attend this seminar focusing on systems to improve access to science, technology, innovation and knowledge sharing.

The first part will be dedicated to data sharing as a key tool to accelerate the achievement of primary goals in global challenges such as climate change, sustainable food production and vaccines, and the need to develop methodologies to secure data sharing and build trust between public and private partners involved in shared economic development projects.

In the second part, the structural problems of the Italian university system, which also have negative consequences from the point of view of exploiting the fruits of scientific research, will be addressed, and some proposals for possible remedies will be put forward. 

The papers by Prof. Maria Pia Abbracchio - Deputy Pro-Rector and Full Professor of Pharmacology UNIMI - and Prof. Giovanni Righini - Full Professor Department of Informatics UNIMI - will be discussed with Gianluigi Angelantoni - President Angelantoni Test Technologies, CEO ALS Angelantoni Life Science and Vice President Kyoto Club - and Domenico Mangiacapra - Chief Executive Officer Henshin Group Ltd.

In his speech, Mr. Angelantoni will elaborate on the need for companies to train, research and innovate with a view to environmental sustainability.

ACS at A&T Fair, Automation & Testing | 22 - 24 February 2023

Discovery My - the most versatile chamber in the market - at A&T, the event of excellence in Italy for companies that focus on Innovation, Reliability and 4.0 Skills.
